
More of the same please

This is not at attack on anyone or anything, and I really want to push this point across, it is mearly something I have noticed which I find slightly stunted and dissapointing.

This something is the music consuming habits of the Great British public. Now, yes, obviously this is a vast sweeping statement and doesn't cover everyone but I have noticed some worrying trends that have effected my life and I want to write about them. Indulge me please...

1. Commercial Radio
Commercial radio playlists are afraid to take any sort of risks. Day in, day out, it is the same songs over and over played one after the other with such little audience interaction that the DJ could well be classed as a Jukebox.

But why is this so? Well, commercial stations know their audiences. Listeners want the same things on repeat until they are so amazingly familier with the tracks, they have seen the video, know all the words, have it on their iPods and can even do the dance. Some stations are so terrified of upsetting their audiences that when they do eventually add new tracks to their playlists (gasp) they edit out slightly 'different' sounding sections to make the audience comfortable. Audio valium? Audio pipe and slippers?

2. Covers band
As you may know, I play in a covers band in the sussex area. We played a gig last weekend at a venue we have played a fair few times before. We've been working hard on some new tracks recently and were really excited about busting them out. You see, we have the understanding that audiences want to hear new things, that if we just turned up, played the same set time and time again, got paid and left then we wouldn't continue to get further bookings. Who would want to see a covers band play the same set every few weeks? ..... Apparently lots of people.

One of the regulars at this particular venue came up to us after the gig and asked why we didn't play 'Brown Eyed Girl' or 'That one we do where you talk a bit', (I think she meant rapping.) I asked what she thought of the new tracks and she just looked at me and repeated the above sentence again. Sigh

I can understand the comforting aspect of the familiar in everyones lives, there's nothing like getting into your own bed or sitting on your own sofa (and it's good to have a constant in your life), but when it comes to entertainment why is this so?

I relish listening to new music, discovering new trends and can lose days on Hype Machine and Spotify just exploring new sounds. What is wrong with musical progress and why are people scared of it?



Alyson said...

We have the same problem in the states. I agree with you 100%. I've actually gone on radio boycotts for months at a time just to avoid the endless repetition. Though it's true that I spent more money on CDs during those times...it was worth it.

Same = Lame

Ed with the good hair said...

same = lame..I like

It is so hugely frustrating but from my industry experience so true.

Anytime we try to push the different we are shot down because it 'doesn't test well'.

When was opening audiences to new music a problem? Hmm, so frustrating.

Sally-Sal said...

That monkey... I'm sleeping with the lights on.