
The Family - Channel 4

Channel 4's 'The Family' is now in its 4-5 episode and sadly, I love it.

But why? This is a question I really can't find an answer for, so am instead just going to raise a few things I find fascinating about this programme.

I like. . .

- The way the cameras are the same colours as the walls they are attached to. Nice work. Subtle.

- The way that whenever there is a huge drama in the house (and there are many), we are shown a picture of the families cat sitting and looking a little perplexed at the action unfolding infront of it. Poor bastard.

- The fact that none of the kids look like the father but they ALL look like mini clones of the mother in a weird 'Children of the Corn', manner.

- The way that the word 'bedtime' seems to be the catalyst for nearly every argument.

- The fact that the family are from Canterbury, which is where I went to university. The reason I enjoy this is down to the middle child Emily. She's the one who goes out clubbing till half 2 every night and from my knowledge of Canterbury she can only be going to one place. A place which I avoided beyond belief as its an utter shit hole. Hello Baa Bars... She looks like a regular.

- The way that the dad thinks that he is some kind of superhuman parent and amazing husband when infact he is a saxophone playing megalomaniac who is hell bent on making his kids lives horrific. How he managed to bag his hottie wife is a total mystery.

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