
What if Beyonce was one of us...?

I get a little bit over excited when big pop stars are on the come back. This excitement is usually short lived when said new music is heard...highly true in Beyonce's case.

She is peddling a new double A side at the moment, If I were a Boy/Single Ladies (banal ballad/booty shaking shouty mess).

The first time I heard 'If I were a Boy', I was certain i'd heard it before. The melody, the structure, the strummy guitar. What does it remind me of?

Hmm, strummy, inoffensive, middle of the road, Alanis Morrisete-esq, rhyming dictionary lyrics, mum friendly...WAIT A MINUTE! Cast your mind back to 1995 . . . . . .

Or is it just me? If my name was Joan Osbourne I wouldn't be best pleased.

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